Scary For Kids

Slithery Dee

The Slithery Dee is a funny scary poem about a monster from the sea. It was based on an old folk song written by Shel Silverstein called “The Slitheree-Dee” and a version appeared in Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.

Slithery Dee

The Slithery Dee
He lives in the sea
He saw all the others
But he didn’t see me.

The Slithery Dee
He came out of the sea
He chased all the others
But he didn’t chase me.

The Slithery Dee
I hid in a tree
He caught all the others
But he couldn’t catch me.

The Slithery Dee
He went back to the sea
He ate all the others
But he didn’t eat me.

The Slithery Dee
Oh where can he be?
He ate all the others
But he’ll never eat … S-L-U-U-U-R-P!

scary for kids


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